This season started with an outbreak close to Saturn's north pole!

These images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount and a QHY290M camera. RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Convertible Barlow working at 2.5X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5 software.  All images are NORTH UP!    Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

For info on Saturn's belts and zones please click this link.

You can also see my past images of Saturn at the ALPO Japan Kansai Branch site.
SATURN 2007 SATURN 2010 SATURN 2013 SATURN 2016  
SATURN 2008 SATURN 2011 SATURN 2014 SATURN 2017  
SATURN 2009 SATURN 2012 SATURN 2015    


July 18, 2019

I missed Saturn Opposition this year due to TS Danas.  Seeing was average today but transparency was poor.

Saturn in quiet in this region.  The polar vortex and polar hexagon are well resolved on the IR image.


May 11, 2019

Seeing was rather unstable today.

The Polar Hexagon and North Polar Spot can be clearly seen in these images.


April 17, 2019

Here is my first image of Saturn for the season.  Seeing was perfect!

The polar hexagon and the polar vortex are prominent in these images.  Some low contrast white spots can be seen.  The belt and zones are very prominent including a a white belt on the north temperate region.