By Christopher Go

All images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount.  A QHY5III678M cameras were used is these images.    RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).  UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter.   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow working at 4.0X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.7 64bit software.  All images are NORTH UP!     Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

These images were taken at Banilad,  Cebu City, Philippines. 

For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide.

All images of this site are my property.  If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission.



My old images can be viewed at:
2007 Images   2008 Images   2011 Images ALPO Archives
2009 Images   2010 Images   2012 Images ALPO Japan Jupiter Section
2013 Images   2014 Images   2015 Images Jupiter with my C8
2016 Images   2018 Images   2019 Images  
2020 Images   2021 Images   2022 Images  
2023 Images     



February 4, 2025

Transparency was poor today due to clouds.

 The GRS can be seen setting on the right.  The tail end of the NTB outbreak can also be seen on the upper right.  The new bright outbreaks spots can also be seen and this spot is very bright in methane band.  On the first methane band image, there is a bright ring shaped feature at the CM.  Is this part of the SED?  Europa is in transit. Oval BA is just below Europa.


February 2, 2025

Conditions here had been challenging due to clouds.  I had to image between clouds and even though thin clouds.

Oval BA is very difficult to make out as it blends with the STB.  A faint orange ring is visible.  It's presence is confirmed in the methane band image.  The region directly above the SEB looks very interesting in methane band.  The region above the NEB shows the tail end of the NTB outbreak.


February 1, 2025

Transparency was very bad and I had to image through clouds.

These images show the extent of the current NTB outbreak which as already covered more than halfway around the planet.  The two main outbreaks can be seen on the right of the first image.  The wake of this storm is now affecting the NEBn and it seems to be interacting with the NEBn white ovals.  The GRS   There are two large blue features on the STB preceding the GRS.  Are these the STB ghost.


January 31, 2025

Seeing was a bit variable this evening.  Seeing improved after a few minutes.

Ganymede and Callisto were close to Jupiter today.  The mid-SEB Outbreak has already covered half the SEB.  It is as chaotic as the wake of the GRS which is also powered by an outbreak.  The NTB Outbreak can be seen rising on the left on the later images.  Note the little red spot on the NNTZ which is bright in methane band.


January 30, 2025

Conditions were poor today and seeing was very unstable.  This was because I had to image over the hot roof of our house and it was also very windy.

Oval BA is on the lower right but difficult to make out as it is lost in the STB.  The a light orange ring is visible. The NEB shows some rifting while the SEB is quiet here.


January 25, 2025

Imaging was a bit challenging today because of clouds.  Seeing was perfect though but for the methane band I had to image between clouds and wait for holes in the clouds.

These images show the GRS and the NTB Outbreak.  The NTB outbreak has really grown and the head is very bright!  Part of the wake of this outbreak has pierced into the NEB probably interacting with one of the NEBn white oval.  The GRS looks tiny but is now oval shaped.   The wake of the GRS is active.


January 18, 2025

The imaging run today was crazy.  One minute the sky is clear, then in a few minutes it is overcast.  Then it clears again.  Seeing was also variable and becomes unstable when the clouds arrive.

The GRS looks almost circular now.  The wake is still very active.  Will this storm disappear in our lifetime?  That might just happen!  The NTB outbreak is rising on the upper left.  The NEB is quiet here except for a tiny bright spot on the right.  The white spot on the NEBn is bright in methane band!


January 17, 2025

Imaging today was very challenging because I had to image between clouds which got very frustrating at times.  Seeing was also very unstable.

These images show the mid-SEB outbreak which now looks like the wake of the GRS.  The area above the SEB shows also the SED.  Some areas of this Disturbance has become bright in methane band.  The NEB is quiet in this region.


January 16, 2025

It was cloudy early this evening.  But the sky cleared close to 10pm local time.  Seeing was a bit unstable.

These images show the two major outbreaks happening in Jupiter right now.  The NTBs shows at around 4 bright spots!  The effect of the mid-SEB outbreak has also grown .  The NNTZ LRS is very distinct!


January 13, 2025

It had been very rainy the last week.  I got a brief break in the clouds.  But seeing was a little unstable and I had to image though thin clouds.

The GRS looks very small.  The wake of the GRS is very active.  Note the SED above the GRS.


January 3, 2025

Happy New Year!  Here are my first images for 2025. Conditions were excellent today.  But clouds rolled in when I look the last images.

The GRS can be seen on the left. It's incredible to see it so small and almost circular shape!  The mid-SEB outbreak can be seen on the extreme right of the first image.  There seems to be a new South Equatorial Disturbance (SED) forming at the CM of the first image.  This feature wasn't seen on my Dec 31 image.  One can also see Ovals on the north pole.  These are prominent in methane band.  One thing interesting is that the methane bright north polar cap is gone!  This bright cap seem to have disappeared around mid-September.


December 31, 2024

Seeing was perfect today but I had to deal with some clouds during the start of the imaging run.

The mid-SEB outbreak is now very complex.  A bright outbreak can be seen in the midst of the chaos.  The NEB shows a bright spot close to an EZ feestoon and a complex rift associated to it.


December 30, 2024

I just returned from my trip to the US.  Weather here had been very bad but the sky cleared this evening. Seeing was  a little unstable.

Oval BA shows a pale orange ring inside.  THe SEB and NEB is quiet in this region.  The South Polar red spot can also be seen.


December 2, 2024

After days of rain, I finally had clear skies.  Seeing was very good.  I'm flying to the California today so I might have to watch the Jupiter opposition there.  Any event in So Cal I can attend for Jupiter opposition? I will be back on Boxing Day.

The outbreak on the SEB looks incredible!  There are TWO outbreaks now!    There is even an outbreak on the NEB.  Close to the South Pole, there are two white ovals kissing. Will the merge.  On the north pole, huge oval can be seen.

November 20, 2024

Conditions were a bit unstable today.  It was very windy and I had to image Jupiter while it was still low in the sky to capture the SEB outbreak.

As expected the SEB outbreak continues to develop. Note the dark streak on the p side of this outbreak.  Is this dark streak an interaction between the outbreak and the SED?  Note also the white circular feature on the mid-EZ a little to the left above the SEB outbreak. The NEB has a lot of complex rifts and some outbreak.  A large white oval can be seen in the north pole.


November 18, 2024

Conditions were good today.

The GRS is well resolved.  Features inside the GRS can be seen.  The wake of the GRS is complex.  Note the strange dark feature above the GRS.  Is this part of the SED?

The NEB show complex rifts.  A lot of features are resolved especially the small dark and white ovals towards the north pole.

November 16, 2024

Transparency was very poor today due to clouds.  Seeing was also unstable due to Super Typhoon Man-Yi.

Oval BA's orange ring can be seen.  It's color is still very pale.   The SED can be seen in this image.  It seems to be interacting with the EZ festoons. The NEB is wide and shows complex rifts.  Not the large red barge/oval on the NNTB.  Are these merging cyclones?


November 12, 2024

Conditions were variable today.  Seeing started very good but deteriorated when clouds started rolling in.

These images show the SEB outbreak that Moises Portillo discovered yesterday!  This outbreak will grow a lot in the coming days as it spreads throughout the SEB.  Io can be seen on the right of the SEB.  The NEB shows complex rifts.


November 8, 2024

Condition was excellent today. 

The GRS is prominent in these images.  The GRS has become very small!  The shrink seems to have accelerated. Will the GRS disappear in our lifetime?  This might be a possibility!    The wake of the GRS is very active.  The EZs also shows the effect of the SED.  Note the strange feature (a complex bright streak) on the EZ above the GRS. 

The NEB shows a bright outbreak feature but this is not bright in methane band.  A lot of features are resolved towards the poles.


November 7, 2024

I was having second thoughts about imaging today. There was an approaching thunderstorm! But the area around Jupiter was clear. So I was able to take a few image until before the thunderstorm arrive when I had rush and keep thing before the rain reaches me.


Seeing was excellent today. Note the NNTZ LRS which has a strong color. Europa's shadow can be seen on the lower left. Ovals are resolved on the north pole!


November 6, 2024

Conditions were perfect today after days of bad weather due to a nearby typhoon.

The GRS and Oval BA are on the opposite edge of Jupiter.  The wake of the GRS is complex with some outbreaks.   The Oval BA is rising on the 2nd image and one can see a hint of the orange ring inside Oval BA.  The EZs/SEBn border looks active.  Is this long feature part of the SED?  The NEB shows complex rifts. There is an interesting feature on the NNTZ.  Three reddish oval sticking together on the left of the second image.  These ovals look cyclonic as they are not bright in methane band.


November 2, 2024

Conditions were perfect today.  These images were captured using a QHY5III585C camera.

The SED is still going strong.  The SED is dark in methane band. The NNTZ LRS can be seen as a reddish oval with a faint halo.  The South Polar red spot can be seen on the lower right.  Both these spots are very bright in methane band.


October 31, 2024

Conditions were very poor today.  Seeing was only 7/10  with poor transparency because of some thin clouds.

Europa is in transit just above the STB.  The NEB looks quiet.  There are some rifts but no outbreaks.  The SED can be seen on the right above the SEB.  The south temperate zone looks very pale.

October 10, 2024

Conditions were excellent today.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  The wake of the GRS has a very bright outbreak.  The SED is now above the GRS and pushing into the gap above the halo of the GRS.  The NEB looks quiet in this region.

October 9, 2024

I was a bit anxious and nervous with this imaging run.   Seeing was excellent but there was an approaching thunderstorm!

Note the NNTZ little red spot.  On it's upper left, there is another tiny red spot that seems to be right next to an white anticyclone. 

There is a dark red cyclonic spot on the NEB at the CM.    The SEB looks quiet in this region.


September 28, 2024

Conditions were average today.  The sky was a haze and this affected transparency.

The GRS is setting on the right.  There is a very bright outbreak on the NEB just past the CM.  This outbreak is very bright in all channels especially in IR and methane band.  The EZ is bright to the left of the GRS. Is this the SED?


September 22, 2024

Conditions were perfect today.  I only took a few images of Jupiter because Comet C/2023 A3 was on the horizon.

The NEB is very active here with complex rifts.  There is a huge white spot on the north polar region.  The SEB has a small white spot close to the CM.


September 8, 2024

Conditions weren't great today because of the SW monsoon. 

The GRS is rising on this image.   The wake of the GRS shows some complex activity. The NEB shows complex riftings.


September 3, 2024

Conditions were poor today due to some clouds and the SW monsoon.  Seeing was average but transparency was poor.

The SED can be seen on the right.  It seems to be extending into the SEB.  The GRS is rising on the left.  Io can be seen moving away from Jupiter.  The NEB has complex rifts and a lot of dark streaks.

August 20, 2024

Conditions were very good today.

Finally captured the GRS.  The GRS has really shrunk!  Note the South Equatorial Disturbance just following the GRS.  Streams of dark material seem to be streaming from the SED to the wake of the GRS creating a chaotic scene in that region.   The SED is very distinct in methane band.   The NEB has a lot of complex rifts.


August 19, 2024

I finally had excellent conditions today. 

The orange ring inside Oval BA is very distinct now.  Note the little red spot on the NNTZ which is very bright in methane band.  The NEB is very chaotic with complex rifts.  The SEB looks quiet in this region.  The South Temperate region is very pale while the North Temperate region has a reddish color.


August 14, 2024

We have monsoon here since June.  Weather had been terrible for some time.  I had some clearing today but seeing was average and transparency was very poor.

Oval BA can be seen with a faint orange ring.  The NEB has completed it's northern expansion.  The white NEBn ovals are now engulfed on the red belt.  Complex rifts and some bright outbreaks can be seen on the NEBs.  The festoons are very active this year pushing all the way to the EZs.



Copyright 2023 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)