Started my Saturn season
early this year. These images were taken using a Celestron C14 mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount and a QHY5III200M camera. RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel. Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm 18nm bandpass). Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Convertible Barlow working at 2.5X. Image acquisition was done using Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5 software. All images are NORTH UP! Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax. For info on Saturn's belts and zones please click this link. You can also see my past images of Saturn at the ALPO Japan Kansai Branch site.
December 23, 2022 I never expected to image today. It was mostly cloudy all day. But miraculously, it was clear in the SW where Saturn was. All around we had threatening thunderstorms! Seeing was very unstable because I had to image just after sunset and Saturn was very low in the sky! I had to use the QHY5III200M. This very low noise camera really help get the details out.
I could only use 1 set of RGB! Iapetus is located basically at the CM on the lower part of the ring. It was only visible in the Red filter and blurry in IR. I only did contrast enhancement because sharpening was too noisy.
Tomorrow is the Iapetus shadow transit! Hopefully conditions will be better.
26, 2022 Condition was perfect this evening. There some low contrast details on Saturn that can be seen when you enhance the resolution. There is a tiny white spot on the NEB at the CM. In the IR image, Tethys can be seen above Saturn. There is a hint of the polar hexagon on the IR image. The southern hemisphere of Saturn is slowly emerging and it has a blue green tinge.
22, 2022 Condition was perfect today! It is surprising because Saturn is getting lower. There is a dark red spot just below the STB at the CM. There are a lot details resolved.
21, 2022 Seeing was good this evening but I had to image through some thin clouds. I used the QHY5III200M to get this image. A lot of belts are resolved in this image. The southern hemisphere has a bluish tinge as it is slowly exposed to the sun.
15, 2022 Condition was better today than yesterday. From now on, all my images will be taken with the QHY5III200M. The polar hexagon is clear in the IR image. Lots of belts resolved in these images.
14, 2022 These images of Saturn were taken using the new QHY5III200 camera. Seeing was excellent today. One thing interesting about this camera is that it takes half the time to capture a great image than the QHY290M. This is because of it is more sensitive and it is very low noise! These images also show the area where the James Webb Space Telescope imaged yesterday. An incredible amount of detail can be seen in these images. Many belts can be seen in these images. There are no low contrast spots on this region. |
5, 2022 Seeing was poor today due to twlight. Some belts can be seen but condition was very poor.
2, 2022 Condition was rather poor today. Seeing was unstable and transparency was poor due to clouds. Saturn looks quiet in this region except for a white and dark spot around 31N.
Aug 28, 2022 Another perfect day. Seeing was very good and the sky was clear. I will be travelling to Armenia tomorrow so my next images will be late September. No exciting spots in this region. The only thing interesting are the wavy NEBs. There seems to be some dark spots in the souther hemisphere below the ring.
Aug 27, 2022 Condition was close to perfect today. I finally had some clear skies! Seeing was good. These images were taken using the QHY462C OSC camera. The details on Saturn is incredible. Note the feature on the belt at +63N. There seems to be some disturbance there. Note the two red spots on the EZ before the CM. There is also a bright spot at +31N.
Aug 26, 2022 The sky was mostly cloudy today. But there was short clearing. This image was taken using the QHY462C. Transparency was very poor and I had to image though clouds. The belts and bands of Saturn are prominent.
Aug 19, 2022 Condition was a bit frustrating today due to poor transparency. I had to image through clouds and I was imaging at crazy high gains. Seeing was okay. The rings are still very bright due to the Seeliger effect. The belts and bands are well resolved.
Aug 15, 2022 It is the day after opposition. I was able to scrape some data for Saturn. Condition wasn't ideal. Seeing was variable and I had to image through clouds before the sky became totally overcast. The Seeliger "Opposition" effect is still at full swing. One thing prominent in this images is the wave NEBs edge.
Aug 11, 2022 It's 3 days before Saturn Opposition. This year the monsoon had been terrible. Seeing was very unstable. The rings are brightening now. The Seeliger effect has begun! The bands of Saturn are very distinct. |
May 7, 2022 Poor conditions today due to mediocre seeing, high winds and clouds! The belts and zones are distinct. There are no notable low contrast features.
May 5, 2022 Condition was perfect today. I have finally captured the EZ red spot! It is very clear in the HDR image below! Note the white spot on the NTrB. A lot of interesting low contrast features.
April 30, 2022 Seeing was average today and transparency was poor due to clouds. In the HDR image, tehre are some interesting features on Saturn. There are white spots on the NTrB.
April 29, 2022 Condition had been terrible during the last few days. The sky finally cleared today! Seeing was perfect! I had a big surprise when I applied wavelets to the images, a dark spot showed up! I didn't know that a satellite of Saturn would happen now even though the rings aren't edge on yet. After consulting Winjupos and with Almir Germano's suggestion, it is a very rare transit of Iapetus! The excitement really woke me up as my brain wasn't fully functioning this early! With the HDR image below, a lot of low contrast details can be seen.
April 25, 2022 Here is an image of Saturn in close to perfect conditions. Seeing was perfect but transparency was variable due to clouds. Some low contrast white spots can be made out on the NTeB. On the NEBs on the far right side, on can see the "hump" feature. The polar hexagon is difficult to make out because of the current orientation of Saturn.
April 22, 2022 Finally, a decent image of Saturn! Saturn was only 43 deg above the horizon but seeing was very good. The belts and zones are very distinct in this image. The emerging southern hemisphere is not very distinct. It is now difficult to make out the polar hexagon.
April 18, 2022 Woke up early today to capture Saturn. Seeing wasn't that great due to the low altitude of Saturn. This is my first planetary image with my new C14. Saturn looks quiet in this region. More of the southern hemisphere is visible now.