This is my first try on the moon. I took these shots before imaging Saturn on January 30, 2004. I used my Celestron C8 mounted on my Astrophysics AP900GTO mount. These were imaged using a Philips Toucam Pro webcam with an Astrophysics 2" Barcon. Thanks for everyone who have helped me identify these features and showing me about the freeware Virtual Moon Atlas. All images were taken at Cebu City, Philippines! Image acquisition was done using K3CCD Tools and image processing with Registax 2. Please click image to enlarge.
May 21, 2005 Here's an image of Copernicus taken with Tomio's Atik 1HS Cam with a red filter. Seeing was around 7/10 with light clouds. This is my first image of Copernicus! I stacked about 400 frames! |
May 20, 2005 Here's an image of Vallis Alpes. Note the fault lines inside the valley floor!
May 20, 2005 Here's my latest lunar image. Seeing was around 7/10. Can you count the number of craterlets? |
Ptolemaues |
Copyright 2004 Christopher Go (